Name: QQ
Mon |
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ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Chinese中国
Height: 168cm
Weight: 47kg
Measurement: 36E cup natural
Service: Incall/outcall/overnight
Rates: $220/30m $260/45m $360/60m 2s
Location: Markham
强势回归中国宝藏女孩“QQ” 好评连连,100% 全部本人真人照片,妹妹高颜值好身材,五官精致,高鼻梁,樱桃小嘴,明眸皓齿长相舒服吸睛!身材比例完美至极,婀娜多姿,前凸后翘,168cm, 粉嫩天然36E任你把玩。 服务态度A+++ 无可挑剔!超会调情,45分钟以上包深喉口爆!绝对让你满意而归
New and sexy Chinese girl”QQ” just arrived. 100% real photos! She’s our vip recommendation! She’s got the look, she’s got the excellent service . Guarantee satisfaction! 45mins or up deep throat cim included!